Link NPM Package And Use It

yahone chow
1 min readOct 29, 2021

Let’s say you have two project A and B, B depends on A, which you are working on B but also A sometimes.

You’ve npm installed A in B, once A’s file changed you need npm install A in B again in every time.

It’s a piece of shit, right?

NPM provided resolve solution for that actually.

Enter the project’s root directory that other project depends on

# this will create global symlink,
# it links to where you've run below code
# the global symlink name same as name property in the package.json
npm link

Then, In anywhere you want


That’s all

Try to modify any file in project A, and check it in B’s node_modules/SYMLINK_NAME

Perhaps you are using webpack-dev-server too, you noticed file changed but never trigger webpack file watch and HMR, put this in your devServer.

watchOptions: {
followSymlinks: true,

